Monday, February 7, 2011


Just when you think you have a favorite cupcake - someone throws you another one in the mix and totally throws that out of whack.

Sorry I haven't been able to update this blog for some time now. It's just been so busy at work and also with personal life...and yes I don't have a PC at home so it's not like I can just go on the computer at home and

This past week I've been telling my friend - probably at least once a day - that you can't control everything in life. Sometimes you just gotta take one day at a time and go with it - make the best of each day and fight the little battles within each day. At the same time we all need to try to balance between accomplishing the short term goals all the while thinking of the long term goals. As I've always mentioned in the past, certain things happen for a reason - and if we dont' look at each of these things we might be missing out on a great lesson here.....

On the same token - while I preach all of this information to my friend, I know that I am a hypocrite. I myself find that I always need to have control. When I say this - I don't mean in relationships. I mean with life in general. I like to be prepared and think of all possible outcomes/scenarios which thereby helps deal with any hurt/pain that might come my way. I try very hard not to be like this but every once in awhile the need for avoidance of pain surpasses the opportunity for some growth - and it shouldn't be like that. Life doesn't throw things to you that you can't handle. It is so very important to experience all different types of emotions because it helps you comprehend yourself better and also helps you grow and appreciate the times where you have true joy and happiness.

I have to admit that I am currently terrified of certain things in my life - but I'm fully willing to take the risk and each experience as they come.

:)))) - Thank You

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