Friday, July 29, 2011


This apple is on steroids.

Have a great long weekend!!


Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today marks our traditional -promotional Run for the Cure day. At our branch we have pink lemonade, coffee, and we're all wearing pink tshirts with jeans. I'm doing a lot of lobby management and while it is very busy it's for a fantastic cause. Traditionally all branches have to wear a Pink Tshirt or a Run For the Cure's mine:

Annnnd here is my friend Anita's..she was so proud she sent this picture to a bunch of us....bwahahahahah:

She says she doesn't know why ppl keep staring at her...Did I mention she's a huge fan?? LOL - LOVE IT.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Yay for "Pink Day" tomorrow and wearing jeans!!  :))

Lesson of the day....

You just gotta let things slide....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

TV Drama

So last night my close gf and I were discussing the show - The Bachelorette - while watching it. Admittedly at first we were kind of hating on the main prize (Ashley), then our conversation took a turn and we began having deep discussions about love and relationships etc etc. It was such a good conversation and we ended up talking for a good 3 hours. We discussed how what might work for one couple may not work for another couple, and we also discussed how "connections " worked. In any case - Thank You so much for the intellectual convo. I enjoyed it very much and I really needed it!!

On a side note - she did bring up something from her culture with regards to symbolism and what it meant to have a butterfly on your window sill. ( Of course this is between me and her ). Now what I'm about to say is a little creepy - but when I got home today I noticed a moth hanging out on my window. He ended up hanging out on my window for at least 5 hours - and I showed my friend. We both found it a little creepy since we were discussing the butterfly and she told me the symbolism with the moth. In any case it is a good omen.... but it's still creepy!!

 I'm taking it as a good sign that I really needed....and I'm so happy it happened.

Have a good Tuesday!!  ^^

Monday, July 25, 2011

pew pew pew pew peeeew!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Woah - That's Freaky

So I was texting my gf Linda last night while making supper. Linda and I have known each other for about 7 years. One thing that really connected us was our similiarities in our past and basically our life experiences with friends and family. As well, we like a lot of the same things and do a lot of the same things. I have no idea what it is - but it always freaks us right out. Even our birthdays are only 6 days apart. In any case - what I realized about Linda is that no matter how much time has passed where we do not speak with each other - it's always exactly the same when we talk - and when we talk there is always something that is very similar that we find about each other that we've done or purchased. Last time we spoke (prior to last night - a few weeks ago) I found out we both purchased the same Hello Kitty phone case for our cell phones. This was our conversation last night:

Linda: " I got bangs again - I got that short hairstyle like Katie Holmes "

Colleen: " Omg - are you serious? U mean like a shorter version of this? "

(Keep in mind I only started recently wearing my bangs down like this)

Linda : "Haha Yup!"

Colleen: " Ok for once I'd like to talk to you where we both haven't done the same thing"

Linda: " hahaha ummm I like dodgeball? "

LOL - yes I know we're losers  :P

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Self Portrait

Someone recently did a self portrait of me.... Then it was smooshed by a meatball  :\

Monday, July 18, 2011

Okay - Last post for today....

Last couple of weeks I've been thinking a lot - and today I did a lot of really deep thinking ....

I think I'm finally ready - Ready to let go - Ready to be free

Ready to transform

Further to my last post....

Here's another picture of this morning's storm taken by my mom's hubby - Yvon. He actually sent this pic along with others to CTV and they actually asked to do an interview for the 12:00pm news!!


Friday, July 15, 2011

The bank parking lot is a new place for hanging out.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sometimes things aren't as complicated as we make it to be...

Monday, July 11, 2011

This is a picture from a fishing trip I went on just this past Sunday. It was kinda cold and wet - and we didn't catch any fish - but we still had fun  :)

This is bun bun - bun bun likes mint leaves  :))

I hope everyone had a great weekend!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

I am seriously so perturbed at this picture...sooo nasty!!! And my friend thought it was Cotton Candy!!! :P

Have a greeeeeat weekend!