Thursday, September 23, 2010

Up and Away.........

My associate drew this picture during a board meeting today. I think I giggled for about 5 minutes straight and took 3 different pictures. (Yes I am pleased easily with little things) Kinda makes me wish that was me holding the balloon escaping. In any case I won't be doing updates on here for a week since I'll be studying my brains off.

Carpe Diem


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Autumn Festival...

I'm so happy today. This was waiting on my desk in celebration for Autumn Festival from a colleague. It will have to replace my moon cake  :)))))

Last night I attempted to transfer dog food from a large bag to a little bag.... as you can see from this picture - FAIL

Cheers xo

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 Feel Good Moments...

So it appears that a lot of people have been listing out moments that are favorite moments in life.. or things that make them happy..and it got me to thinking... what exactly are mine?

Here's my list:

1. Kissing in the rain
2. The smell of rain once you step outside ( I guess 1 and 2 intertwine )
3. When a client says something nice about you or to you:

4. Music - specifically in minor key with strings :)))
5. Standing on the edge over looking a river with the sun shining on you ( It helps to have someone you love with you )
6. Skittles

7. Selfless acts from friends and family
8. Moments of tenderness - when time seems to stop still
9. Snuggles or hugs
10. Random smiles or giggles

And one more - I know it should only be a list of ten...but why not add one more - Laughing till you cry or your stomache hurts.

Here's to more moments in life where you can really stop and enjoy them.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Already??......Noooooooes

Well... I can't believe it's Monday already. Where on earth did the weekend go? Honestly?? I have a feeling that this work week will pass by quickly :(   Not really looking forward to it. On another note - hugest thing I learned this weekend? Men really are from Mars and Women from Venus. Guys and gals communicate differently and we all just need to be honest... no hidden agendas or messages... doesn't do anything but get us into trouble. So if you need something done or need a hug - Tell your man. Otherwise he won't know what to do.

I've recently decided that I'm going to try and groom Peanut myself. Hopefully he doesn't do the walk of shame once I'm finished. Just gotta finish my exam first before I take on this project of mine. I'll have to put up "before" and "after" pictures. :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

C'est La Vie

Yes this is really me. Being a complete dork. Actually I was trying to be fobby...but instead I look a bit like a fool. Surprisingly I'm not drunk at all.

I'm so excited for the weekend. This week has been treacherous. Looking forward to relaxing and even studying.

Have a great weekend. xo

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It is time......

So my friend Corinna is in town. Reminds me of the last time I saw her which was when I was in Vancouver. I realized that I haven't posted any pics up from that trip. That trip was so pivotal for me... I still can't get over it. It was a lot of good times and self realization. Corinna - We've been through a lot of ups and downs and somehow we have always managed to pull through like nothing has ever happened. You are an amazing friend and person. I hope you are part of my life for a very long time. :)

This is a pic of me and Froilando Bloom. This picture defines how we are in real life. Full of Tom Foolery and randomness...I swear this guy has tricked me so many times.... somehow in this picture Froi's face is a bit too serious ...doesn't fully represent him. Froi - I'm so glad that we met up in Vancouver. I'm also glad that I got to know you more this year. I hope you find everything you are looking for. Looking forward to more randomness from you. I will be here for you whenever you need it to pull a credit card swipe or be an ear to listen. Remember - You're chinese when it's convenient for you. Baha :)

This is a pic of me and Kevin. Somehow him and I have managed to keep in touch the last couple of years with him living in a different city. Kevin - you are gold. I'm so happy for you and your new chapter in your life. You will always be someone very dear to me. Thanks for listening to me...and for the continuance of a good shoulder to lean on. P.s. Your blinds rock :)

All in all the trip was amazing and I'm so glad that I spent it with all of you. You don't all realize it, but this was a huge moment for me. Of course there are those I haven't mentioned that were part of this... but you all know who you are.

On a side note .... Thought I'd mention my appreciation for monkeys.

I have this sudden new love and fascination for monkeys. Must be the large eyes, fuzzy hair and cute expressions. I love that they always look so inquisitive. And I also love how they're always eating everytime I see them. They are sooo cute. I might even live in a tree with one. I also like sloths too.. but most people tell me they are stinky. :P


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oh My God..........

I always figured that life would get simpler as I got older.. boy was I ever wrong. The only thing I can say now is that - Am I ever THANKFUL for everything I've got. I've always poked fun at myself for being simple. But maybe in this case simple isn't so bad. And really - living a simple life doesn't mean staying at home doing nothing. It's about hanging out with a few good people in your life and enriching your life by doing things outside of your comfort zone with these few good people. It is about growing together.

Life isn't enriched with the number of friends you have. It's all about the quality of friends that exist in your life.

It's about building relationships with people who add positivity in your life. Whether that be friends, families or significant others.

At the end of the day I'm quite content with everything in my life. In fact I'm actually the happiest I've ever been. Sure I could cut some loose ends here and there...but honestly. I really have nothing to complain about. Thats the greatest part about living. You really never stop growing no matter how old you get.

To those who have been there for me. Thank you. Always know that I will be there for you just as you have for me.



Monday, September 13, 2010

Is it Monday Already????

This weekend proved to be pretty eventful ( Which included cleaning of Pierre, getting ears pierced, studying, and running errands ). But it was also very anti-social. On Sunday I decided to have my first "alone time meal " ever at Moxies. I brought books with me so I didn't look like a complete loser and actually ended up having an enjoyable time. Oddly enough my other friend was having breakfast alone so we were texting each other. LOL. ( Do you see my fave red and white book in the corner ).

I spent some time at second cup again. I must have gotten distracted because I found this guy yakking on his phone wearing sunglasses.... doesn't he look cool? Like he means business?? Moo hahahahaha.

Needless to say I'll have to blog about my ephiphanies I uncovered this weekend at a later date. Have a great week everyone. Cheers. xoxo

Friday, September 10, 2010

Have a Good Weekend......

TGIF!!!! Unfortunately this weekend will be mostly spent looking at my favorite red and white book. Have a great weekend everybody. Don't forget to laugh and live in the moment.

Some Quotes for today:

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.  - Buddha

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.  - Oprah Winfrey

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.  - Lao Tzu


Thursday, September 9, 2010


Everyday that I look in the mirror I look more and more like my dad. Kinda freaks me out a little........

It's a brand new day!!   :D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Tuesday

So my entire weekend basically consisted of me drinking coffee and teas and studying. Yesterday I think I spent about 5 hours at two different Second Cup locations. I swear my butt made indents on the seats at both locations.

On another note... does anyone else take joy in popping these bubbles other than me? bwahaha.


Friday, September 3, 2010

CIBC's Run for The Cure

Today is our Pink Day for Run for the Cure. This is my Associate Denise and I. Unfortunately we are the only ones upstairs wearing this shirt. But we wear these shirts proudly to represent anyone touched by breast cancer. If any of you want more information regarding CIBC's Run for the Cure, here is the link -

This is my Grandma and Grandpa. My Grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer quite a few years back, but she managed to fight it. I miss her dearly and not a day goes by where I don't think of her.

Have a great long weekend everybody. Life is too short so make sure you all make the most of it.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

No Love Like One Between a Mother and Daughter

Mah - You mean the world to me. I don't say it enough, but I love you so much. Thank you for being both a mom and a friend to me. With you I am able to share my innermost thoughts and feelings. You always know the right things to say and we have a bond thicker than anything in the world. We laugh, smile and cry together, and you have opened my eyes to what life is truly about.

Thank you for everything. Love you always.

Ah Loi

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good Old Days??

Shamefully this is me in highschool. Honestly... I know it looks like I have a mullet but I really didn't have a mullet. It was just combed that way. Errrrr. Okay so maybe I wasn't the coolest kid on the block.....

Here's a recent pic of me and my family that I visited in Vancouver. I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that this has opened a door to new beginnings. Hopefully the door doesn't slam shut in my face before I've crossed through........ but I'm hopeful  :)