So my friend Corinna is in town. Reminds me of the last time I saw her which was when I was in Vancouver. I realized that I haven't posted any pics up from that trip. That trip was so pivotal for me... I still can't get over it. It was a lot of good times and self realization. Corinna - We've been through a lot of ups and downs and somehow we have always managed to pull through like nothing has ever happened. You are an amazing friend and person. I hope you are part of my life for a very long time. :)
This is a pic of me and Froilando Bloom. This picture defines how we are in real life. Full of Tom Foolery and randomness...I swear this guy has tricked me so many times.... somehow in this picture Froi's face is a bit too serious ...doesn't fully represent him. Froi - I'm so glad that we met up in Vancouver. I'm also glad that I got to know you more this year. I hope you find everything you are looking for. Looking forward to more randomness from you. I will be here for you whenever you need it to pull a credit card swipe or be an ear to listen. Remember - You're chinese when it's convenient for you. Baha :)
This is a pic of me and Kevin. Somehow him and I have managed to keep in touch the last couple of years with him living in a different city. Kevin - you are gold. I'm so happy for you and your new chapter in your life. You will always be someone very dear to me. Thanks for listening to me...and for the continuance of a good shoulder to lean on. P.s. Your blinds rock :)
All in all the trip was amazing and I'm so glad that I spent it with all of you. You don't all realize it, but this was a huge moment for me. Of course there are those I haven't mentioned that were part of this... but you all know who you are.
On a side note .... Thought I'd mention my appreciation for monkeys.
I have this sudden new love and fascination for monkeys. Must be the large eyes, fuzzy hair and cute expressions. I love that they always look so inquisitive. And I also love how they're always eating everytime I see them. They are sooo cute. I might even live in a tree with one. I also like sloths too.. but most people tell me they are stinky. :P